
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 Taupe接受抽籤!聯乘保值波鞋正式登場



Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993疑似曝光?Aimé Leon Dore主理人、New Balance新任創作總監Teddy Santis近年不但透過聯乘帶起了New Balance 550復古鞋款熱潮,早前更是帶來了高筒版650鞋款。日前,品牌的官方Instagram發布的來季新品預告圖片,眼利的網民更是留意到圖中的鞋款為NB 993?

2月6日更新:Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 Taupe接受抽籤,聯乘保值波鞋正式登場!

2021年9月10日更新:Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993雙色曝光?


Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 Taupe接受抽籤!

【2月6日更新】於去年FW21系列的造型照中,由模特兒穿着的聯乘版美製New Balance 993「Taupe」終於都接受抽籤了!鞋款採用了米白、藍、紫色為主軸,以米白色麂皮作為主色,配以藍色網眼材質,再加入紫色皮革作鞋身支架並襯托鞋側米白色N字logo。後跟鏤空位置加入了「Aimé Leon Dore」字樣,以呈現出聯乘之作。鞋款現已於END.接受抽籤當中,定價為$2,250再加$200運費。抽籤日期由即日至2月11日08:00,祝各位好運!


Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993新色2款曝光?

【2021年9月10日更新】Aimé Leon Dore日前終於在Instagram上發布了FW21系列的造型照,而模特兒的鞋款卻成為了是次的焦點。從上回釋出的圖片,已經有不少情報帳號、網民猜測雙方將在今年再度合作推出New Balance 993,而今番釋出的圖片除了有上回的米白、藍、黑配色的New Balance 993,更再多了一款棕、綠色的鞋款。是次新色更是被網民戲稱「Beef and Broccoli」,因為鞋身貌似採用了棕色網面、麂皮、皮革,而在鞋舌、底襯、N字logo中注入了綠色。中底部分,今番2款配色都罕有地採用全黑,有別New Balance常用的白色中底。今回2款新色的發售情報仍有待確認,而且圖片的角度有限,不能排除鞋款的型號會有所變動,有興趣的鞋迷請留意SSwagger的後續報道。

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
(圖片來源:Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片)
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
(圖片來源:Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片)
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993
(圖片來源:Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片)

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993曝光?

【2021年8月26日】Aimé Leon Dore品牌定位和主理人的喜好向來都是復古韻味很重,設計上採用的元素都具備強烈的仿舊色彩。多年來,雙方一直保持合作,在New Balance 997、550、827和990v5都有推出聯乘款,在StockX轉售市場上的價格都持續高企。當中以聯乘New Balance 550最為出彩,將30多歲的老型號重塑復刻、帶回潮流界,更是推起了Neo-Vintage的熱潮,令更多人追捧仿舊、復古的設計。日前,Aimé Leon Dore在Instagram發佈了Fall/Winter 2021新品的預告,圖片中的老伯伯所着用的鞋款卻吸引了不少網民的注意。

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway

圖片所見,網民從老伯伯所着用的New Balance鞋款輪廓和鞋舌上的「Made in USA」判斷鞋款為New Balance 993型號。雙方未曾就着這個型號推出聯乘款,所以令不少鞋迷感到十分期待。鞋款採用了米白、藍、黑色為主軸,但材質則有待確認。雖然暫時未能完全確認鞋款的型號,但足以令New Balance粉絲感到十分興奮。對於今回釋出的圖片,知名New Balance情報帳號@danefune3亦認為今番鞋款為合作New Balance 993。

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway
(圖片來源:Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片)
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days. Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway to be released in indefinite days.
(圖片來源:Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片)
Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 grey black blue rumored colourway

Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 993 的情報仍有待確認,有興趣的鞋迷請留意SSwagger的後續報道。

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圖片來源:END.官網圖片、Aimé Leon Dore官方圖片、StockX網站截圖、IG@danefune3