【最終回】HEAD PORTER 以經典「DOT」系列為告別作
潮牌 HEAD PORTER 結業最終回
HEAD PORTER將經典波點放進他們的最終回中,今次的波點是以啞光尼龍面料製造,若隱若現得來簡單又有睇頭,十分容易配襯!另外也採用了最經典的黑白配色,最後一季帶來了9款單品,分別是手提包、背包、腰包、錢包等。如果今次不買應該再也買不到了,大家要把握入手HEAD PORTER的最後機會喇!
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HEAD PORTER | DOT The DOT series is famous for its unique dot pattern which is silk printed on high-density matte nylon fabric (the material used in the classic BLACK BEAUTY series). The dot pattern is printed precisely over each item, creating a pop but casual sense of style. The full DOT lineup includes six items, including smaller products such as a wallet and a card case, as well as the popular tote bag and shoulder bag. Aim for the stars with this unique collection perfect for everyday use. Release Date HEAD PORTER TOKYO, HEAD PORTER OSAKA and Head Porter loft: NOW ON SALE HEAD PORTER ONLINE:NOW ON SALE #headporter #headporterplus #headportertokyo #atelierheadporter #headporterosaka #headporterloft #dot #finalcollection
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