Denim Tears x Converse終登場!為人民發聲的聯乘鞋款
撰文:Alphonse|圖片來源:Converse、Denim Tears、@denimtears
Denim Tears x Converse拒絕政治炒作
Denim Tears x Converse本身是一個善於將非洲色彩融入街頭服飾的品牌,經常會看到代表非裔國家的紅、綠和黑色出現,或者用上一些非裔的民族、宗教圖案。今回Denim Tears x Converse聯乘鞋款籌備時間長達一年,表達非裔黑人一直以來所遇的不公。鞋款原定在今年暑假時間發佈,但剛好遇上「Black Lives Matter」的社會運動,Denim Tears拒絕乘其熱度強行推出。反之,主理人Tremaine Emory暫停合作並利用是次機會要求Converse的母公司Nike要比原定計劃的4年內捐贈US$40M更多的金錢到黑人平權運動上。Denim Tears冒住合作有可能失敗的風險,希望以品牌的影響力和聯乘鞋款,令更多的人加入黑人平權運動的行列。今回推出是為了美國大選期間,呼籲更多人出來投票,企圖改變社會現象。
今回Denim Tears x Converse選用的3種顏色是從Marcus Garvey的泛非國旗(Pan-African Flag)採樣,分別代表正義之師的血與汗、黑人重族和非裔農業。是次收錄了高、低筒版的Chuck 70,鞋身主要由紅黑間條的帆布組成,鞋舌和鞋跟的縫合部分均用上了綠色主調配上黑色的星星的pattern。中底部分以白色調和整體顏色的平衡,而外底選用紅色填滿。今回的鞋款尾部標籤用上了兩個品牌的特製tag,以突顯聯乘的地位。日常穿搭上建議在衣服的部分選用較深沉的顏色,避免與鞋身的紅綠撞色,否則無法凸顯鞋身的設計。
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Walked by this rock for years…seen ol’ heads drink rot gut round this rock…seen my barber raheim get killed by jack boys in his barber shop cause he wouldn’t give it up across from this rock…my pops filmed the story of his death for cbs news round this rock…asked my mama the meaning of this ol’ rock…I shot five with cats round this this rock…shot dice round this rock…seen fatherless bloods throw signs round this rock…we braved winters round this rock…we survived summers round this rock…c town selling bad food my mother wouldn’t let me eat right across from this rock..seen people sell rocks to they own people round this rock…conversations with cats that had razors and jums in they gums round this rocks…cried on the inside,smiled on the outside round this rock… kept a ice grill round this rock…couldn’t let them think I was soft round this rock…seen LL cool j shoot videos with boys to men round this rock…papi sold me 99 bananas and goldslager with no Id across from this rock…hung with the keeseville killahs round this rock…street smarts kept bullets out my clothes round this rock…heard illustrious stories of Ronny bump, phat cat and supreme team round this rock…hung at the boom room and stacks gambling spot round this rock…seen black people vote for Obama at the school down the street from this rock…seen the same people not come out and vote for Hilary round this rock…started to think it was a haunted round’ this rock..ghost hang round this rock, so I can’t hang round’ this rock …thought to myself ain’t no good round’ this rock…I started to hate this rock…took the e & f train to downtown Manhattan to get away from this rock…wondered how they living in Africa while I was living round this rock…no passport then just a bus pass round this rock … wondered if I’d make it out Jamaica queens one day and hoped to never see this rock…made it out and I still all saw was this rock…survivors guilt weighs on my mind a thousand times heavier than this rock…so it’s time exhume the all the black souls from this rock…I made a tennis shoe about this ol’ red back and green rock…I seen it all round this rock
Tremaine Emory(@denimtears)分享的貼文 於 張貼
Denim Tears x Converse全新聯乘鞋款將於美國時間10月22日在Denim Tears官網有售,敬請留意。