【model運動達人Yen推介】跟住3個減肥飲食法則 瘦住食肥嘢不是夢!
撰文:Yen Wong|編輯:Manyi|圖片來源:Instagram
跟住3個減肥飲食法則 輕鬆減磅無難度
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Happy Friday! ☀️ 當然食下我喜歡的冷麵😽 #hkfoodloverlovesjapanese #hkfoodloverlovesnoodles #hkfoodloverat中村藤吉 #hkfoodloverattsimshatsui
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近來至愛的cafe之一☺️ 特別係個杯oat milk latte☕️凍的比熱的更香滑👍🏻 #hkfoodloverlovescafe #hkfoodloverloveswestern #hkfoodloverlovesbakery #hkfoodloveratblacksugarcoffeeandlifestyle #hkfoodloverattsimshatsui
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2. 90/10法則
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2019年有幾多人#eathealthy 係您既resolution😏?食健康啲,一定係無咁好食🧐 😛@wabisabi_coffee 表示牛油果🥑黑醋冷麵定黑松露意粉🍄 少調味,但清新口感一啲都唔輸蝕,不錯喎😚👍🏻!#hkfoodloverlovesvegetarian #hkfoodloverlovesnoodles #hkfoodloverlovescafe #hkfoodloveratwabisabi #hkfoodloveratkwuntong
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Awesome tea place hidden in wanchai. They have a large selection of tea, which we tried the matcha latte for mainstream purposes (my gf is basic); while I picked both the cake choices (oolong and a darker tea) for dessert. You can tell a lot of effort is put in the selection, purchase, and of course, making process with the high quality tea and its scent and taste in everything. Worth the while and it might also be a great place to relax or study / work. Rating: 9.0/10.00 overall Price: <$100HKD pp Editor: @bringeroftherain / @christyleeky
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3. 間歇性斷食 Intermittent Fasting
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Can’t get enough of Christmas, but since the festive mood continues, let’s take a trip back to the Pawn in wanchai. Great environment, the outdoors area was lovely, best for groups and with kids as well. The Christmas package came with a free flow option for an extra $100-$200. There were a lot of appetizers and the mains were more or less decent. 8 patrons that joined me during this holiday agreed that chicken would be your best bet, while I ordered turkey (extra $80) because it’s Christmas. Overall positive experience. Rating: 7.0/10.00 Editor: @bringeroftherain
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Right: Summer French Toast ($138) Left: Dirty Eggs ($148) Second time here for brunch (and 5th overall) and it remains my one of my favorites. Great vibes, great food. The French toast is soft and golden, with a slightly crunchy bite on the crust. The almond and white chocolate are great additions to the texture and taste. The dirty eggs on the other hand, will fill your stomach in no time, great for dirty gains and hangovers. The cheddar melts through the crispy potatoes while the chipotle mayo gives a stingy feel to create a contrast. Both dishes are highly recommended. Restaurant: Catch. Address: 95 Catchick Street, Kennedy Town Dish Ratings: (8 and 9.5 Out of 10) Editor: @bringeroftherain
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