【運動model Yen推介】一個月瘦10磅 坐office都減到肥的5個必學動作!
撰文:Yen Wong|編輯:Manyi|圖片來源:Instagram
1. 腳趾尖訓練腿部肌肉
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Lunch time office workout! Give yourself a little pick me up and gain some energy for the rest of your day/week ahead! 🤩#mondaymotivation #officeworkout #chairworkout #doyourbodygood #tryitnow #xtendbarre #xtendanywhere
Andrea Rogers(@andreaxtendbarre)分享的貼文 於 張貼
2. 善用椅子及工作桌squat
以椅子配合不同的squat 動作組合,亦可以靠着桌子作輕度push ups 或是plank ,小小空間亦不妨礙其他同事。亦可以反手抓著桌子邊緣,雙腳併攏並彎曲呈九十度,慢慢將整個身體保持直線往下,收緊並有力地往上,訓練三頭肌亦可以趕走手臂脂肪。
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DESK WORKOUT 👩🏼💻 for all you office workers wanting to get a workout in too, here’s the perfect little circuit to get you moving when you’ve had enough of typing 😉✌🏼 Save it, tag your co-workers and give it a try! 30 seconds of each! 3 rounds! Squats Bulgarian Split Squats Push Ups Tricep Dips Plank With Mountain Climbers Single Leg Squats LET ME KNOW HOW YOU GET ON! 🔥🤩
Jo Kearney 🏋🏼♀️(@jojokearney_fit)分享的貼文 於 張貼
3. 光坐著也能練腹部肌肉
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💙 Oblique Chair Workout 💙 You can work your abs without doing crunches, all you need is a chair!!!💡Think of your core as a tall building and your obliques as the strong, concrete pillars holding it up. Weak obliques equals a weak core foundation. By increasing oblique and abdominal strength, not only will you keep your “building” from falling down, you’ll become more explosive (without putting on unwanted added muscle bulk). 👉🏼 Try 12 sets x 3 rounds. TAG your friends and have a good day!!! 💪🏼😅
Kellen Lemos 🇧🇷🇺🇸(@kellfit)分享的貼文 於 張貼
4. 伸展肩胛機強壯頸部肌肉
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🤳🏼 Are you guilty of looking down at your phone a lot? I am! 🙋🏻♀️ I know it’s not good to do, yet it’s such a bad habit! _ Did you know that: ⤵️ Tilting you head downward puts a lot of pressure on your neck muscles. Poor alignment can cause headaches due to the strain put on the muscles of the neck, poor sleeping patterns, and pain. _ This is one of my favorite stretches 🧘♀️ that I do standing or sitting in a chair at my desk. You can do it without the band or use any fitness band, yoga strap or flexible piece of fabric, like spandex! _ Just squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times! #posturecorrection #textneck #spinalalignment
Shannon Eng / Nutrition Coach(@caligirlgetsfit)分享的貼文 於 張貼
5. 拉筋放鬆全身
絕對不能小看拉筋這個步驟,若不喜歡帶氧運動或是重量訓練,拉筋運動最適合不過。拉筋有助改善關節活動度 (Range of movement, ROM)、減輕肌肉及關節壓力,加強肌肉彈性、增加肌肉線條、通淋巴、改善身體姿勢。最重要的是拉筋過程必要放鬆心情才能達致最佳效果。
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Germe egzersizleri antremandan önce ve sonrasinda atlanmamasi gerekir.Özellikle daha fazla performans artisi isteyenler en az 2 saat önce germe egzersizlerini yapmalidir.germeler minimal 20 sn ki en son çalismalar 40-60 sn ye yapilan germelerin daha etkili oldugunu kanitladi ve buna ek olarak germelerinizi sadece statik olarak degil dinamik yani egzersizlerin icinde yapmanizda fayda vardir bunu balistik germeler olarak da yapabilirsiniz. Ve özellikle agirlik antremanlarindan sonra mutlaka çok agresif olmayacak sekilde germelerinizi yapin ki stifness dedigimiz kas kisaliklarini önlemis olalim . #stretching #stretch #stretchingworkout #workout #physio #physiotherapy #chiro #chiropractic #chiropractie #osteopathie #osteopath #osteopatia #muscle #workout #pilates #yoga #reflexology #egemanuelfiziktedavi #physio @spor.fzt.necati.aksel
SporFizyoterapisti NecatiAksel(@spor.fzt.necati.aksel)分享的貼文 於 張貼