
瑜伽初學者如何練習鱷魚式 Chaturanga Dandasana 建立全身力量,鍛錬手臂、核心肌肉、背肌 | How to do Chaturanga Dandasana for beginners




當初連 Knee Chest Chin 都有困難的我,Chaturanga 是個高不可攀的式子,但力量每天累積,手肘1mm 1mm 地曲起,不知不覺它就住進身體了!如果你已駕御到 knee chest chin,而每次在 “Chaturanga or knee chest chin” 時總是選擇 knee chest chin,是時候跳出舒適圈,開始練習 Chaturanga 鱷魚式啦~

停留一個自己可以維持到,而又夠加把自己推回high plank 的位置,一步一步去練習吧!💪🏽

Knee Chest Chin 八肢點地式教學 https://youtu.be/S0Y3rNP0zMA


Stephanie 陳鈳昕

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Please consult with your physician or doctor before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this practice, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Step On My Mat from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Step On My Mat’s negligence.

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