
10 Minute Standing Abs Workout BURN BELLY FAT GET CORE ABS! | 企起身都做到!站立爆汗馬甲線腹肌瘦肚腩!




I know doing abs workout gets annoying sometimes; you have to lie down on the floor and get dirty, your back gets problems and hates you because the floor is too stiff… BUT NO WORRIES I gotcha babies! this standing abs workout is suitable for those who don’t want to get dirty or those who get back problems. Not only burning fat and getting abs, you can also train your balancing skills and a bit of leg and glute muscles as well!


iHerb 5%off Discount Code: MIL7204

IG: www.intagram.com/emily_bread
FB: www.facebook.com/breadyemily


45s Oblique Drops – L
15s rest
45s Oblique Drops – R
15s rest
45s High Knee
15s rest
45s Knee Elbow Touch – L
15s rest
45s Knee Elbow Touch – R
15s rest
45s Tuck Jumps
15s rest
45s Toe Touch – L
15s rest
45s Toe Touch – R
15s rest
45s Reach Crunch – L
15s rest
45s Reach Crunch – R