
【30分鐘減壓陰瑜伽】消除一天工作和生活煩惱,睡前瑜伽伸展全身幫助睡眠,初學瑜伽適合 (廣東話瑜伽)。30 min De-stress Yin Yoga in Cantonese




Challenge yourself to find stillness! 陰瑜伽練習讓我們在這個充滿趕趕趕、追追追的剛陽環境中,慢下來,定下來,為身心加添陰元素,平衡生命。尤其適合經常做運動健身、生活忙碌腦袋轉不停和失眠的你,把一天的生活煩惱或工作煩惱拋到宇宙裡,這堂同時適合於床上練習。

30分鐘裡不會有很多瑜伽體式,在逗留瑜伽式子其間觀察呼吸和身體覺知,追求的不是強烈的伸展痛楚,也不是要令自己分心去維持動作 XD 慢慢放鬆,面對正在發生的事情,然後呼一口氣放下放鬆 😌 陰瑜伽動作不難,要專心就有點challenge 了。


Stephanie 陳鈳昕

My Shooting and Editing Equipments:
🎤 新咪上場:https://amzn.to/2XVFlCU
🤳🏽 Camera (iPhone XR):https://amzn.to/2VvVhKz
👩🏽‍💻 Computer (MacBook Air):https://amzn.to/2yGebFl

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✨ My Studio: http://www.yogastoryhk.com

Step On My Mat – Disclaimer
Please consult with your physician or doctor before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this practice, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Step On My Mat from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Step On My Mat’s negligence.

#30分鐘瑜伽 #陰瑜伽 #減壓瑜伽