5個斷食常犯錯誤- 第5個竟然無人知
#斷食 #人工代糖 #胰島素阻抗
1 健怡可樂
2 香口膠
3 bcaa, collagen
4 防彈
5 ?
➡️我的iherb discount code: Aen3953
As u can see sugar free gum contains Maltitol and Maltodextrin in the video, I have mentioned Maltodextrin has GI 110 and explained how worse it is.
However, Maltitol (with GI only 2 in the table) is the unhealthiest. Maltitol is a sugar alcohol that has been artificially processed from starches. It cannot be fully digested so it causes indigestion. It makes you bloat and many gas. It may also cause Diarrhea and stomach pain. Last but not least, it triggers high insulin and therefore can lead to weight gain in the long term.
超實用 -記得抄筆記!
4mins HIIT 超燃脂間歇訓練丨美女們減肥生捱的秘訣
居家運動 20mins 全身消脂HIIT
脂肪去哪兒 ?
增肌/減脂適合你?蛋白質 吃多少克?
健身每天早餐丨牛油果or朱古力蛋白奶昔碗 丨無敵低醣甜點丨
生酮前要想清楚 !好處壞處I 內附健身教練身體檢查
生酮飲食吃什麼? 超市必備
iHerb開箱 l 生酮減肥必買清單
大家好,我係 Zoe,係一個好為食又好貪靚ge健身教練
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