
【HOME WORKOUT】- EP03 – 30 MINS – HOME WORKOUT // Awaken Personal Training




Welcome back to another episode of Quarantine Day X Home Workout.
I am your online trainer – Eugene.

Today, all you will need for your workout is, yourself, a yoga mat, kitchen timer, a theraband, or a hip circle band. The workout consist of 3 main parts follow by a stretch to finish off. I have filmed this using a real-time method so you could play along a follow the workout on your big screen TV.


PART A – WARM UP – Mobility and Activation
A1. Downward dog shoulder and thoracic rotation
A2. Alternate Lunge with Lateral Flexion

A3. Banded Squat Walk
A4. Prone Arch Up Lat Pull Down

PART B – CORE BLASTER!! 6 Exercises | 30 seconds each | 3 sets

B1. Elbow Plank
B2. Bent Knee Hollowbody Rock
B3. Side Over Arch (Left)
B4. Side Over Arch (Right)
B5. Leg Raises
B6. Toe Touches

PART C – THE ACCUMULATOR!!! 6 Exercsies | 30 Seconds Each, 30 Seconds Rest | Add an additonal exercise on top of previous every round.

C1. Crawl Forward Push Up
C2. Squat
C3. Mountain Climber
C4. Ice Skater
C5. Jumping Lunges
C6. Burpees


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Hashtag: #awakenpt

Awaken Personal Training Instagram: @awaken_pt
Eugene Kwok Personal Instagram: @eugenek_pt


1. Barbatula – ES_Night Drive