【15分鐘簡易肩膀瑜伽】運用瑜伽繩伸展肩膀,改善睡眠、舒緩緊張情緒、肩頸崩緊、適合任何有需要人仕 (廣東話) | 15 mins yoga for shoulders with yoga strap
當我們一緊張很容易就縮起肩膀,打字、回 whatsapp、打電話、做運動、看文件、提東西… 很多時稍一不留神就縮膀了。加上肩膀的活動幅度很大,活動度愈大代表更要靠肌肉和韌帶支撐著,一邊不自覺地縮膀一邊繼續做事,不知不覺間我們就變得越來越崩緊。
預備一條瑜伽繩/毛巾一起做簡單的肩膀瑜伽,放下繁重的擔子,好好放鬆吧!治本的方法還是除平時要多留意自己的姿勢,live a conscious life。
20分鐘溫和肩頸拉筋伸展瑜伽 (初學瑜伽適合) : https://youtu.be/0qxxSyiEJns
Happy Practice!
Stephanie 陳鈳昕
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✨ My Studio: http://www.yogastoryhk.com
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Please consult with your physician or doctor before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this practice, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Step On My Mat from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Step On My Mat’s negligence.